He who thinks, "I am the body ... This body is mine ... She is my wife ... He is my son ... I am a brahmana ... I am fat ... I am black ... I am a pandit", is an ignorant man. He is bound.
He who thinks, "I am not the body: I am all-pervading, changeless, immortal, indivisible, self-contained, self-existent, satchidananda Brahman", is a wise sage. He is free.
He who thinks, "I did this work, so I will go to heaven; I enjoyed such and such a thing", is an ignorant man.
He who thinks, "Prakrti (nature) does everything ... I am only witness .... I am non-doer ... I am non-enjoyer" - is a wise sage.
The annamaya sheath (food sheath) is made up of the five elements. It has a beginning and an end. It is inert and full of parts. It is an effect of the five elements. It is full of impurities.
Therefore you are not this physical body or the annamaya sheath. You are the witness of this body. Understand therefore, "I am not the body. I am Brahman."
The pranamaya kosha (the vital sheath) is the product of rajoguna (dynamism, passion). It also has a beginning and an end. It is inert. It is an effect. Therefore you are not the pranamaya kosha. You are the witness of this sheath. Understand therefore, "I am not the pranamaya kosha. I am Brahman."
The manomaya kosha (the mental sheath) is a product of satva guna. It also has a beginning and an end. It is inert. It is an effect. Therefore you are not the manomaya kosha. You are the witness of this sheath. Understand therefore, "I am not manomaya kosha. I am Brahman."
The vijnanamaya kosha (the buddhi sheath) is a product of satva guna. It has also a beginning and an end. It is inert. It is an effect. Therefore you are not the vijnanamaya kosha. You are witness of this sheath. Understand therefore, "I am not the vijnanamaya kosha. I am Brahman."
The anandamaya kosha (the bliss sheath) is avidya or ignorance, a modification of prakrti (nature). It is the effect of past deeds. It is endowed with changing attributes. It is jada (insentient). Therefore you are not the anandamaya kosha. You are the witness of this sheath. Understand therefore, "I am not the anandamaya kosha. I am Brahman."
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