Avidya (ignorance) is malina satva (weakened purity). It is the upadhi (limiting adjunct) of jiva (individual soul). It is the karana sarira (causal body) of the individual soul. Avidya is anandamaya kosha. Avidya is a false perception by which the ignorant jiva takes the body and intellect as pure, permanent and a source of pleasure.
Just as a king acts the part of a beggar out of his own free will on the stage in a drama, so also the satchidananda Brahman acts the part of a jiva in the drama of the world out of his own free will for sport.
Just as men with a defective vision behold a white thing as yellow, so does one perceive the Self as the body on account of avidya or ignorance.
When one gets knowledge of the self, this avidya vanishes. It is the destruction of avidya that is the Brahmic Seat.
Just as the mirror is dimmed by dirt, so Brahman is veiled by avidya. Therefore human beings are deluded by this avidya. Mind, senses, egoism, intellect and body are the efforts of avidya. If the cause is destroyed, the effects are destroyed by themselves.
This universe of names and forms has its origin in ignorance. It is dissolved by knowledge of the Self. The universe, being other than the Self, is unreal and like a dream. It is like a mirage.
Just as a snake is superimposed on the rope, silver on the mother-of-pearl, a thief in the post, city in the clouds, mirage in the desert, blueness in the sky, so also this world is superimposed on Brahman.
Just as it is water alone that appears as waves, ripples, etc., gold alone as ear rings, bangles, etc., clay alone as pots, jars, etc., threads alone as cloth, towel, etc., so also does Brahman alone appear as many universes.
Children regard a wooden elephant as an elephant, but the grown-up persons treat it as wood.
Even so the wise behold only Brahman everywhere but the ignorant perceive the non-self only. The whole universe is within Brahman. It appears as external to you, just as your body appears external to you in the mirror on account of maya (illusion).
Just as a man does not behold the object which he has seen in his dream when awake, so also the jivanmukta (liberated sage) does not perceive the universe after he attains knowledge of Brahman.
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