Epistle of Swami Sivananda - 1

What is divine life? To shed the animal in man and to sublimate the human in him to the divine; to express the sublimation in his daily life, in his hourly life, in thought, word and deed. That is divine life.
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To pray, to do japa (repetition of God's name), to sing His glory, to do kirtan (chanting), to meditate on the Lord, is divine life.
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Treat all kinds of work, domestic, official, etc., as service of God. Surrender all your actions and their fruits to the Lord. Give up agency. Feel you are an instrument in the hands of the Lord.
Actions will not bind you. Your heart will be purified. The grace and light of God will descend on you.
This is the way to spiritualise all your actions.
See God in all beings and things. See the world as a manifestation of God. It is not necessary to abandon the world in order to have a vision of God, because the world itself is a manifestation of God.
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Listen! Wake up now. Develop dispassion. Do sadhana (spiritual practice). Beware of the senses. Become desireless.
Understand life. Live divinely. Seek good company. Fear not. Waste not time. Depend on God.
Spiritual discipline is the key to God-realisation. Discipline the body and the senses and the mind.
May you attain God-realisation now and here.
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Be regular in keeping your spiritual diary. Spiritual progress will be greatly quickened. Kindly be regular in sending me a copy of your diary at the end of each month for review and further instructions. I am immensely pleased to note your regularity in sadhana.
Go to bed early (10 p.m.) and get up early (4 a.m.). The early morning hours are most favourable for meditation.
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Understand life's supreme purpose. Seek the eternal. Realise the underlying essence.
Have intense thirst for liberation. Die to live. Discipline the mind. Have self-control.
Learn to be wise. Make the best use of this human birth. Realise the oneness of existence.
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