I want only Thee, my Lord.
When the senses hiss and drag me,
Come to me and crush them.
When I am overworked and tired,
Come to me with Thy peace and harmony.
When my mind becomes turbulent,
Come to me with Thy yoga power,
And still this boisterous mind.
When desires and cravings attack me,
Come to me with Thy light and grace.
When fear overpowers me,
Come to me with Thy courage.
When avidya (ignorance) tries to overwhelm me,
Come to me with Thy supreme wisdom.
—So says Sivananda.
Subtle and profound is the path of love.
It is like the edge of a sharp razor.
But the true lover treads it easily.
His grace renders his path smooth.
There is no asking or bargaining there,
It is all sacrifice and self-surrender.
It is the outpouring of the heart's love
At the lotus feet of the Lord.
Egoism is burnt in the fire of love,
Desires are destroyed in the flame of love.
Two have become one now.
The lover plunges himself
In the ocean of divine love,
He immerses himself
In the sea of divine joy.
He offers his all in the Lord's service,
His tan (body), man (mind), dhan (wealth)
This is the secret of this love.
—So says Sivananda.
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