Sivananda Gita - 5 (Continued)
I constantly meditate on the following:
Prajnanam Brahman, aham brahmasmi, tat tvam asi, ayam atma brahman.
Satyam jnanam anantam brahman, santam sivam advaitam.
Aham atma gudakesa.
Aham atma nirvikarah sarvavyapi svabhavatah.
Brahma satyam jagan mitya jivo brahmaiva na parah.
Akarta, abhokta, asanga, sakshi, ajo nityah sasvatoyam purano.
Jyotisamapi tat jyotih.
To raise the fallen, to lead the blind, to share what I have with others, to bring solace to the afflicted, to cheer up the suffering are my ideals.
To have perfect faith in God, to love my neighbour as my own self, to love God with all my heart and soul, to protect cows, animals, women and children are my aims.
My watchword is love. My goal is sahaja samadhi avasta or the natural, continuous, super-conscious state.
Om Om Om Om - Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om Om Om - Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om Om Om - Om Om Om Om Om Om Om.
Within you is hidden God
Within you is immortal soul
Kill this little 'I'
Die to live
Lead the divine life.
Within you is the fountain of joy
Within you is the ocean of bliss.
Rest peacefully, in your own atma
And drink the nectar of immortality.
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