Sunday, June 14, 2015


                       Love is the Panacea 
He who has no love cannot know God - for God is love. Love is the greatest force in this world. Love is immortal. Love is God. Where love is there God is. Therefore become an embodiment of love. Love is God. Love is light. Light is wisdom. Wisdom is divine life - it is oneness, unity.

The deeper a man's love of God is, the greater is his spiritual knowledge. The final consummation of the love of God is union with God. Love of God is not easily acquired by self-effort - it is inborn in man by virtue of his spiritual evolution.

Love God alone. Be detached and renounce everything for the sake of love of God. Cosmic love expects not any reward. It excludes none but includes all. Develop more and more pure divine love. Then the inner light will shine more brightly. Cultivate divine love. This selfless love is a great treasure - a pearl of great price.

Cultivate an abiding faith in God's love, mercy and grace. The lover himself becomes the beloved of his heart. Their love is so deep and intense that they merge in each other and then again reemerge. They are the two inseparable aspects of the one.

Love envies not. Love resents not. Love revenges not. Love bargains not. God in his boundless love and mercy promptly chastises proud and arrogant persons, thus paving the way for a return to humility.

God reveals himself daily to every human being - but man shuts his eyes and does not see Him. Infinite is God. Infinite are His aspects and infinite are the ways to reach Him. The divine being is a living reality, a powerful presence that responds to our prayers, an all pervading delight of existence that sustains our life.
Find God within yourself in silence.

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Love is the cure for all evil. The power of love can transform the universe which is fettered in chains of hatred. Love is all purifying and all redeeming. Love is the greatest purifying force in the world. Love is the greatest creative force in the world.


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