Epistle of Swami Sivananda - 12
Self-realisation is not a process. It is not a becoming. It is pure being. It is not a new thing to be attained.

Self-realisation is not a process. It is not a becoming. It is pure being. It is not a new thing to be attained.
The aspirant knows that he is the all-pervading, immortal soul. To know that is to become that.
Self-realisation is direct, intuitive perception of the Atman. All distinctions vanish. The sage is freed from fear, sorrow and pain.
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Do not get false contentment. Do not imagine that you have reached the highest nirvikalpa state, and stop your sadhana (practice).
Slay spiritual pride. Shun the company of worldly persons who always talk on sexual matters, money and worldly topics.
Observe the laws of health and hygiene. Be moderate in eating and drinking. Do not overwork. This will produce fatigue.
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Fight bravely in this battle of life. Be bold. Be cheerful. Be patient. Be wise.
Arm yourself with the shield of discrimination and the sword of dispassion. March forward courageously, O brave spiritual soldier. Yield not to temptations.
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Yoga is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious development of the body, the mind and the soul.
Thou art divine. Live up to it. Feel and realise thy divine nature.
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Yoga of synthesis is a unique yoga. It is suitable for the vast majority of persons.
Man thinks, feels and wills. He must develop his heart, intellect and hand. Then alone can he attain perfection or integral development.
Everyone should have one yoga as a basic yoga. He must combine karma yoga, hatha yoga, raja yoga, bhakti yoga and jnana yoga. This is the yoga of synthesis.
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