Inspiring Talks of Gurudev Sivananda
15th November, 1948
Cold wind blows aggravating the effects of winter. Men adore the vertically placed mud that might have lain uncared for in the bosom of the earth. The woollen blanket clings to the body. The faint vibrations of the loud report of the Swarg Ashram bell mingles, as a quiet rendezvous on the right bank of the Ganges, with the melody that emanates from the rhythmically sounded bell at Siva’s Bhajan Hall: and they pay their morning obeisance to Siva.
Within a few minutes, a solitary figure emanates from this rendezvous. In that calm stillness his very footfalls are resonant with the names of the Lord. The cold blast has long ceased to worry him: though his garments are disturbed by the winds, the real HE is far, far away—in the very heart of wind itself and yet beyond. He has realised long ago that the mud-houses (why even the fleshy tabernacle built out of divine-clay) are all ephemeral, and he has sought and gained his own Abode, Brahman. That is our Siva. Let us greet him at this glorious hour of our own life—the Brahmamuhurth of Divine Life. ‘OM Namassivanandaya’.
Sri Brij Bihari Lal Kapur and his family are on a visit to the Ashram. With his characteristically majestic gait Siva approaches Sri Kapur’s Kutir. OM OM ….(Silence)….OM OM OM….(Still no response)….Jingling of bangles announces the wearer’s response: the door is opened: astonished at this unexpected presence of the Master at their door, the family prostrate before him.
‘OM Namo Narayanaya!’ Siva has seen his Narayana. ‘Come: wash your face and go to the morning class at the Bhajan Hall.’
Siva awakens the slumbering: nay, not only that: he leads them on.
At the conclusion of the class, the party confessed that it was Siva’s grace that enabled them to spend the morning hours most profitably.
Nothing delights Siva more than to hear that a boy or girl has resolved to take the vow of celibacy and dedicate his or her life to God. This time it was Srimathi Kanti or Bareilly (daughter of Sri Kapur).
In a delighted mood, Siva began to instruct her:
‘Engage yourself heart and soul in the service of humanity. You have got all the talents: they are all the rarest gift of the Almighty. Utilise them all in His service. Take part in all women’s movements. Only don’t lose your head: don’t allow yourself to be converted, but always endeavour to convert others and bring them to the divine path. Talk to the ladies. Deliver short stirring discourses on the importance of divine life, of righteousness, purity, truth and love. Serve them and win their hearts. Collect the children of your locality and lovingly tell them good illuminating stories and advise them on the essentials of perfect living. Training the ladies and the children in easy Asans and Pranayam. Break the cage: forget the sex. Atma is sexless. There is infinite power within you. By all means develop the feminine (motherly) heart that God has endowed you with: but be not a coward. Stand up: hold before yourself the great ideals of Mira, Maitreyi, and Gargi. Contribute spiritual articles to ladies’ magazines. Attend all ladies’ meetings: and push yourself to the forefront and deliver lectures. Start with your own school. Informally talk to your own students on God and Divine Life. Create an interest in little girls. Talk to them of ethical culture and discipline. Gradually the circle will become wider and wider. People will soon come to know of your divine nature and flock to you. Side by side you should practise rigorous Sadhana and mould yourself. Then everyone will be compelled to listen to you. Keep always in touch with the leading women of the country and the world at large. Correspond with Sarojini Devi, Mira Behn, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and others outside India. Exchange of ideas is a healthy habit. You will soon become one of them.’
A devotee from Sri Swami Sukdevanandaji’s Ashram has come. He was known to Siva to be a good dramatist. At once Siva asked that a copy of all the Dramas written by Siva be given to him. With a visible profusion of gratitude, the devotee started perusing the books one by one, forgetting the Ashram, forgetting that he is sitting before Siva, forgetting everything, in fact (for he was seen admiring the book, smiling at some interesting passages in it, suddenly growing serious and serene at the impact of a sublime thought, etc. etc.)
It was quite a while before his attention was shifted from the books to the author.
‘You have written wonderful dramatic works, Swamiji.’
‘Glory be to the Lord, the Prompter of all actions!’ replied Siva in all humility.
‘You have, Swamiji, given a new life to the histrionic art. Now people will know that even drama can be put to spiritual use. All the prejudices against the stage which grew in ignorant hearts will vanish.’
‘I have always felt that spiritual truths should be presented to the public in a form which they would appreciate most. If I find that many people go to a cinema, I will at once produce a play. If I find that people are interested only in storybooks, I will write philosophical stories. After all, what harm is there in enacting a drama. As a matter of fact, we are all every day enacting hundreds of scenes. The whole world is a big drama. Our real nature is something and our assumed nature is something diametrically opposite. This grand play teaches us innumerable lessons. Similarly, the plays will also impress the spiritual ideas on the people’s minds.’
After the devotee had left, Siva told us of
Sri Swami Sukdevanandaji.
Sukdevanandaji is one of the oldest companions of Siva. And, in many respects they are alike. S. has the same spirit of dynamic activity which animates every nerve of Siva. He has done tremendous work through the Daivi Sampat Mandal. Wherever he goes, he holds conferences and does propaganda work. Another point of close resemblance between these two great spiritual giants is their absolute sincerity. They never mince words or matters. They go straight to the very core of the problem before, decide on the adoption of a course, and with great zeal, earnestness and sincerity, achieve the object. Their courage, and will-power are beyond description. Their devotion to the cause is beyond words. Sukdevanandaji’s Guru Bhakti is supreme: in fact, all his achievements are attributed by him to the grace of
his Guru, Sri Swami Ekarasanandaji Maharaj.
16th November, 1948
Sri Mathur, General Manager of the Paramarth Bank, Rishikesh, was waiting for Siva near his Kutir early in the morning. Even while Siva was emerging from the Kutir, Sri Mathur fell prostrate at Siva’s feet, on the bare ground. He placed a small amount (in silver coins) at Siva’s feet, as ‘flowers’.
‘Swamiji Maharaj, today is my birthday. I have come to seek your blessings in order that I may stick to the path of righteousness and remember God.’
Siva blessed him and gave him his (Siva’s) golden advice. Later Siva told us:
‘Mathurji is a very pious and noble soul. He must have a lot of work to do. Yet, he is very regular in his Sadhana. Look at his devotion. He has come all the way from Rishikesh. He would have taken Sanyas also. But, his family circumstances are such that he is at present unable to do so. Now he is practically leading a Sanyasin’s life.’
Srimathi Kanta Rani of Delhi, a young devotee with good spiritual Samskaras who is staying here for the past few days informed Siva that her father-in-law, a retired Engineer (Sri Shroff) had decided to build a Kutir in the Ashram premises and live here. They had planned to have the foundation-stone laid by Siva today.
‘It is an excellent idea. Only those who have spiritual Samskaras embedded in their very being will have such inclination. It is a rare ambition.
‘Do not imagine that you are not happy because you have lost your husband. It is all God’s will; and as He is our own Father, all that He does is for our good only. Lord Krishna Himself says in the Bhagavatha that he removes the pleasure-centres of one whom He loves most. I will tell you a story: listen.
‘Sri Krishna and Arjuna were once travelling through a town. They went to a rich man’s house and asked for some food. This haughty man abused them in the vilest terms, refused to give them food and ran to beat them with a stick even. Arjuna almost lost his temper; but Krishna, realising this, wanted to quit the place. But, before doing so, He blessed the rich man with very much more riches, hundreds of cows, bungalows, etc. Arjuna thought this was queer behaviour; but kept quiet. Then they went to a poor man’s house. He was an emaciated skeleton. But he had great devotion to the Lord. When the divine travellers approached him for food, he at once ran in, brought good milk (the only article of food he had in the house at that time) made Krishna and Arjuna (whom he did not recognise, as they were in disguise) sit on the cot and entertained them. ‘Bhagavan, how blessed I am to have had your Darshan. You appear to be great devotees of the Lord. All this is yours only. Command me: what shall I do for you?’ The Lord understood His heart’s spiritual yearning. He looked around and He found that the only property of the poor man was a cow. As they emerged from the house, Lord Krishna uttered a curse: ‘May this cow die!’ Arjuna was furious at this outrageous act on the part of the Lord Himself. ‘What, you cursed the poor man who entertained us so nicely and blessed the haughty rogue who scolded us. What injustice.’ Krishna replied: ‘My dear Arjuna, be calm. This poor man is a great devotee of mine: I love him, too. The cow is the only object to which he is attached. The moment it is taken away, he will devote himself entirely to Me. He will soon attain Moksha.
Whereas, the rich haughty man would find that his riches have suddenly increased. This will add to his egoism, to his bondages and to his worries.
‘Therefore, we should all rejoice when the pleasure-centres are removed. You are now free to do Sadhana all the twenty-four hours. Sri Shroffji is also a good Sadhaka. He has retired from active public life. Why should he worry himself any more? He can also spend his last days peacefully on the banks of the Ganga in silent contemplation. Ekanta-Vasa is absolutely necessary from every point of view. Seclusion alone will give you everlasting peace and joy.
Enough of friends, relatives. If you remain in Delhi, even if you are spiritually-inclined, there will be a lot of disturbance. Here, you can remain undisturbed.’
When Srimathi Kanta Rani had left, Siva talked to us of retired people. ‘They can devote their entire time to Sadhana: they should. How few of them do so! Sri Shroff is a good Sadhaka. He is also a mental Sanyasin: as Srimathi Kanta is a mental Sanyasini. (After a pause) Do you know of certain other mental Sanyasins?
They will indulge in tall talk: they will discuss Vedanta and high philosophy: they will sing, dance and do Japa: but, you will soon come face to face with their hollowness when you approach them with a request,
‘Maharaj, you have got fifty thousand rupees, kindly donate one thousand rupees to the Ashram; it needs it.’ They will not part with a single pie. This is a type of hypocritical mental Sanyasin.
‘But Shroff is not like that. He builds his Kutir in the Ashram with the express purpose of letting the Society use the building whenever they are not using it.’
‘If mountain does not come to Mohamed, Mohamed should go to mountain.’
As soon as Siva came into the office, he enquired of Vishnuji: ‘Vishnuji, did you go to Shroff’s Kutir this morning to teach him Asans?’
‘Yes, Swamiji.’
‘That is good. Some of these old people might feel shy to practise Asans in public. They will think: ‘Supposing I fall down while standing on Sirasasan, people will laugh’ and so avoid coming to the Asan class. For such people’s sake, you should go to their room and teach them Asans. That is real spirit of service.
‘Another important point. Do not simply come away after the Asan-practice is over. Do a few minutes Japa and meditation: a couple of minutes’ silent meditation: repeat Shanti Mantras, and then come away. Thus, even this Asan-class will be converted into a class on Yoga of Synthesis, with Japa, Dhyan, Kirtan, etc. The effects of such Asan-practice will be much more lasting.’
A little later Siva’s bag was suddenly found to glove his right hand: off came the hand with two bananas, and the bag dropped itself into a corner.
‘Vishnuji, take these! These are not for you. You are a good Karma Yogi: therefore, you should not take them yourself, but give them to others. Give them right and left….(meaning: one to Sri Sivapremji, sitting on the right, and the other to me, on the left)….But, don’t give them right and left!’
The rattling noise of the typewriters, beating the divine life-drums, produced a deafening noise. The pen in the hands of many youthful, energetic aspirants rushed along the body of registers, wrappers and letter-heads, spilling ink (the blood of divine life). Sanyasins, Brahmacharis and householder-devotees rushed to and fro carrying magazines and leaflets, the banner of divine life. Siva, the General, sat at the head of the office watching with satisfaction this battle against ignorance.
There entered into this field of Supreme Battle of Life, an engineer, a doctor and a layman, with two ladies and a child. Besieged on all sides by the dark forces of materialism, they had resorted to Siva to help them fight their battles. Truly it was like Arjuna resorting to Krishna in a moment of despair and desolation.
They were eager to find a solution to the problem that faces them: ‘How to fight the inner battle?’
‘Do Japa, Kirtan, Asans, Pranayam. Get up at 4 a.m. Do Brahma Vichar. Study one chapter of the Gita daily. Observe Mouna for two hours. Fast on Ekadashi.
Siva virtually sang his song of Twenty Instructions.
‘But when I say all this you will be frightened; do Japa of the name of the Lord and remember Him always. This one thing is sufficient to take you to the Goal.’
‘The mind always wants to run after sensual pleasures. Draw it back to the Lakshya—God. Fix it there. Then you will enjoy more peace, more joy and more strength. What is there in these pleasures? Any amount of worldly good fortunes and wealth will be of no avail. When the bank fails, your heart also will fail. When you are out of job, even your servant will not listen to your word. It is only when you are a big officer that people salute you. It will vanish when you lose the job or when you retire from the job. But, if you are a man of God, if you have acquired divine wealth or Daivi Sampath, you will be honoured and revered everywhere at all times. Acquire the Four Means to salvation. Vairagya, Viveka, Shad-Sampath and Mumukshutwa. Then take to the study of the Upanishads, Gita and Brahma Sutras.’
‘Stage by stage, you should evolve and know that happiness is not to be had in sensual objects. The greatest pleasure that man enjoys during the course of the day is in deep sleep. Is this not clear proof that pleasure lies outside the senses, outside the mind, outside the sense-objects? When discrimination dawns, and when you have real Vairagya, there will be a natural yearning to realise True Bliss of the Atman. Then you will take to spirituality and enjoy Atmic Bliss.’
‘Lead a pure virtuous life. Practise Satyam, Ahimsa and Brahmacharya. Sing the names of the Lord with intense devotion. This alone is sufficient. Keep your body in good health by the practise of Asans and Pranayam. Spend your holidays in places of seclusion like Rishikesh and utilise the entire period in solid Sadhana. These are the preliminary aids to Divine Life. Then, by gradual stages, you will progress to the Supreme Abode. May God bless you. OM Namo Narayanaya.’
Long after Siva had concluded his inspiring discourse, the party was in no mood to get up or go. This sermon on the Battle-field apparently acted as a Brahmastra for them to slay all their inner foes and threw a flood of light and joy into their hearts. In a dazed mood they prostrated to Siva and thanked him profusely for this illumination.
The foundation-stone laying ceremony had been scheduled to be performed at 12 noon. So, Siva got up, collected his ‘children’ in the office, including the visitors, and proceeded to the site. The blazing sun and the physical movement slowly brought down our visitors to the human plane.
‘Swamiji, supposing we wish to stay here for some time, can we come with our family?’ asked the engineer as we were nearing the Ashram archway.
‘Of course, yes: do you think that we are without our families here? Why, this flower, this creeper, this delightful plant, this tall tree—all of them are my family-members. The whole world is pervaded by God, one Atman. Feel: feel, the entire world is your family only. Expand your consciousness and be free.’
After such a struggle they were able to ask him one mundane question: and expected Siva’s reply also in the language of the earth. But, what a luck!
My Lord! What frail instruments you often choose for thy gigantic work. You take us by the hand and drag us along. Yet, we act only as a burden to tire your tireless zeal, instead of taking you on our shoulders and running along under your direction.
Except for the solitary mason working at the site, Siva was the first to arrive. Again he started:
‘Bring the Puja materials from the temple. Go and get the Prasad. Call Iyannaji. Tell Sri X that we are waiting here. Where is Sastriji? Who will do the Puja? etc.’ What inexhaustible patience. Any other head of an institution would be fuming with rage.
One by one they started coming. When Sri Shroff arrived, Siva took him up the hillock for an examination of the pit dug. ‘Is this enough? Will it not be better to have it a little deeper?’
Shroff was of the same opinion. At once the mason started on his work again. This could well have been done earlier.
Then began Kirtan, Chidananda Swamiji leading.
‘Today,’ commenced Siva, ‘is the auspicious day of the full moon: Paurnami. It is a blessed day that reminds us of the nature of the Lord, Brahman or our own Self. Brahman is Paripoorna, fullness, infinite, Bhuman. It is not partial: it is One Homogeneous Existence, undivided, full. It is this that the full moon reminds us of. Other days represent the moon only as partial: only today the moon has all the sixteen Kalas. This is not the new moon (Amavasya) day of ignorance, inertia or Tamas. Today is the full moon day of light, joy and bliss.
‘On this most auspicious day we lay the foundation-stone of a Kutir for seclusion proposed to be built by Sri Shroff of Delhi. He is a retired engineer who wishes to live in seclusion in Rishikesh spending the rest of his life in divine contemplation, in the practice of Sadhana. He and Srimathi Kanta Rani, another exalted soul keenly interested in the acquisition of the inexhaustible wealth of the Lord’s Name, of devotion to His Lotus Feet, of leading the divine life intend to practice Tapascharya at this holy spot, and to attain the goal of life.
‘This goal of life is God-realisation. Nothing else is of any use. Man is lost in the glamour of material pleasures. Sensual enjoyment cannot give lasting happiness. Even if you have a dozen bungalows, twenty motor-cars, a few crores of rupees in your bank, and a army of servants: even if you have a beautiful wife, and many children, even if you have all the material pleasures that the world can offer you, you cannot have that supreme peace that can come only out of Self-realisation. In the Self alone is there deep abiding peace.
Do not be duped by these sensual objects. When the bank fails, you will weep. More wealth, more worry. With the fulfilment of your desires, they multiply: you can never root them out by feeding them. Unless you are desireless, you can never have peace.
‘Himalayas represent the Swarupa of the Lord. ‘Sthavaranam Himalayah’ ‘I am the Himalayas among the immoveables’. Gaze at this gigantic manifestation of the Lord. Again, ‘Srothasamasmi Jahnavi’—‘I am Ganges among streams’. What more do you want? The Himalayas are our father and the Ganga is our mother. It is a great blessing to live at the feet of Himalayas and to take bath in the Ganga. It is in the Himalayas that great saints and sages have practised Tapas from time immemorial and realised God. The holy vibrations of these Self-realised sages are ever present in the very atmosphere of these parts.
‘Sri Shroff and Srimathi Kanta are indeed blessed souls. They have resolved rightly. They have understood the vanity of the world. Their examples should open the eyes of others. Nowadays even retired people cling to their families and relatives: they are attached to property and wealth: they are greedy and want to enter into private service somewhere or other to earn some more money. Even after suffering all their life in this Samsara they have not realised the gravity of the situation, they have not realised the importance of the life divine. Every retired man should follow Sri Shroff’s example and actually retire into seclusion. That is why our ancients instituted the Vanaprasthashrama. Without attachment to property, to son, wife or wealth, the man is asked to retire into a forest to practise tapas, to practise Sravan, Manan and Nididhyasan and ultimately to embrace Sanyasa and realise the summum bonum of human life. Renunciation is absolutely essential. Without renunciation of material pleasures, of egoism and of selfishness, nothing great has ever been achieved.
‘May God bless Sri Shroff and Srimathi Kanta with health, long life, peace, prosperity, and Kaivalya. May the Lord illumine their hearts. May God bless you all. May you all attain God-realisation in this very birth. May you all shine as Jivanmuktas in this very birth. OM’
Siva was all the time standing on the hillock, and the flock below (on the path leading to the Viswanath Mandir) listened spell-bound to this Sermon on the Mount from the lips of the modern Jesus Christ. Wave after wave of spiritual fervour swept over the entire audience as the powerful vibrations of Siva’s soul-stirring oration pierced their heart. With hairs on end, we stood, oblivious of the surroundings, listening to the words of the great master, with our eyes riveted on his magnificent form, until we instinctively cried ‘Jai’ at the conclusion of the Sermon.
At the close of the function, we were all coming down. The visitor-friends were also coming down with Siva.
‘You take your food here: and then you can go,’ invited Siva.
‘Swamiji, we have not yet taken our bath. And, we have already brought some food with us in the car.’
‘Do not worry about bath. Repeat ‘Jnanamritam Suddham Atindriyoham’. This is Vedantic Snanam. This is superior to all other baths. Mentally imagine that you are taking bath in the Great ocean of Supreme Knowledge. Identify yourself with this ocean of knowledge—Jnanamritam. Realise that you are the ever-pure Atman-Suddham. And, feel that you are beyond the senses—Atindriya. You will feel completely refreshed. You will feel that you are entirely different! Come, then: repeat this thrice and take some food as Prasad.’
For once, they must have thought, Siva came down to human plane: but it would not last longer than to ask one question. Lucky visitors. God bless you.
As we had almost reached the D.J. Hall, Siva turned and looked behind. Sri Balan and Sri Chetlur were coming together.
Smilingly Siva remarked: ‘Birds of a feather flock together. A journalist always seeks a journalist’s friendship. An advocate likes the company of another advocate, a cook that of a cook, a doctor that of a doctor: a bald-headed man goes with another bald-headed man: a Sanyasi likes the company of another Sanyasi. That is the law of nature. But, a Jivanmukta finds his own Self in every one and in everything and therefore moves with everyone without distinction.’